North Coast Open Studios 2023

My first exposition as an artist was this week. I participated in North Coast Open Studios (NCOS), an event that invites people to visit the places artists work to see what they do and how they do it. There is the opportunity to purchase finished work, too. The event starts with Eureka’s First Friday art night in June, and continues over the first two weekends in June. Anyone in Humboldt County can register and participate.

We arrived in Eureka last year just as NCOS began, and visited a number of artist studios. On the very first night we went out, I met the event’s organizer, Monica Topping, an energetic artist with a couple of day jobs, one of which is coordinating NCOS. (I am a big fan of her work, beads made from recycled glass)

This was the first necklace that I sold during NCOS

When we are out, I always wear one of my necklaces. They’ve become a good conversation starter. As we visited the studios of NCOS artists last year, a number of people asked about my jewelry and encouraged me to join the event this year. I registered to have visitors for one of the two weekends of NCOS 2023. I also submitted one piece to be shown in the Brenda Tuxford Gallery in downtown Eureka for the month prior to NCOS.

We went to the opening of the exhibit on May 6, part of the local Arts Alive, first Friday night event in Eureka. A good crowd came to see the preview. Lots of them were like me, people who had a piece on display, plus their friends and family. It made a for easy conversation, by asking “Which one did you make?” I was surprised and pleased to find that my necklace was photographed for the 2023 NCOS poster! It looks wonderful.

I was out of town from mid-May through June 5, arriving back in Eureka just in time to prepare for my NCOS weekend. I set my jewelry out and put out my signs directing people from our front door to the alley behind our house, where the garage door opens and my “studio” is located. Our neighbors don’t drive in and out very much, so when the occasional visitor pulled up and stopped in the middle of the alley, it didn’t matter.

I was very happy with the weekend’s visitors. More than 40 people stopped by on Saturday and Sunday, Lots of questions led to lots of discussion. Many of my visitors are artists themselves. It was fun to hear about other peoples’ projects.

The weekend paid for itself, too. I sold a few necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and pins. I made a few hundred dollars, enough to pay for the NCOS registration, and jewelry supplies for the rest of the year. Whether or not I participate in more art fairs this year, I plan to be part of Open Studios again in 2024.

LLywinda Treasures:

Monica Topping:

Published by winifredcreamer

I am a retired archaeologist and I like to travel, especially to places where you can walk along the shore or watch birds. My husband Jonathan and I travel for more than half the year every year, seeing all the places that we haven't gotten to yet.